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Where do you know us
Main Office In China

Lingyi Intelligent Machines
No. 50, Weimin Road, Dongcheng Street, Dongguan City, China.
Tel: +86 15989606460 (Jack)

Office In Russian

St. Petersburg, st. Beloostrovskaya, 17, bldg. 2 lit. A (BC AVANTAGE), Russia.
Tel:+7 (812) 925-35-80 (Alex)

Office In Turkey

CROSS Machinery Technology Industry
10026 Sokak No.20 Atatürk Organized Industrial Zone Çiğli / İZMİR – Türkiye.
Tel:+90 533 403 87 88 (Mustafa Satılmış)

Office In American

Metal Finish
50 Corporate Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062, American.
Tel: +1 860-747-6560 (Daniel)

Lingyi Engineering Team

Lingyi Engineering is a reliable partner. We fulfil our contractual obligations promptly and with the highest quality.

Sophia Zhou

Leader of product sales team

Grace Liu

Sales Engineer of Automatic

jack zhang

Marketing Manager

Alice Wu

Sales Engineer of Leveler